Welcome to the Scharrer family's real life story! Most of our story is written for, and about, our four kids and the spice they add to our lives. It's our story of happiness, craziness, and sometimes ridiculousness. We've journaled through childbirth, the terrible two's, private school (and our public school experience), an autism diagnosis, medical school, residency, and long-term mission work in Africa.

Now we're following a new adventure, which involves a 45 foot motorcoach, homeschool, and as many ski slopes as we can go down in one year.

For posts from while we were living in Zimbabwe and updates about our future plans in Zimbabwe, please see our mission blog...


21 August 2010

All Smiles

Klaasen was smiling at 1 week old. I know you think I'm crazy, but I
have two other witnesses besides myself. A few days ago I tried to get a smile on camera, but it was really hard because if I held the camera up, he'd just stare at it and wouldn't smile. As soon as I put the camera down, he'd look at me and smile. So, I tricked him! I focused
the camera, put it down, made him smile, and then quick brought the camera up and took a picture. I took a bunch of pictures of his chest and forehead because I didn't have time to look at what I was snapping, but finally after a million (or maybe a little less!) pictures, I finally caught the tail end of a smile...

And Klaasen's smile sort of reminded me a little bit of his big brother Skogen's smile...

And as long as we're comparing pictures, here are some profile pictures of the kids sleeping at two weeks old. Klaasen is in the middle, Skogen on the top, and Maida on the bottom. I think he's a pretty good combination of both of them!

1 comment:

  1. Those pictures are precious! I LOVE the profile pictures of the three of them sleeping. What beautiful babies you have! Gifts from God, for sure!!


We write to taste life twice, once in the moment and in retrospection.”
~Anais Nin