Welcome to the Scharrer family's real life story! Most of our story is written for, and about, our four kids and the spice they add to our lives. It's our story of happiness, craziness, and sometimes ridiculousness. We've journaled through childbirth, the terrible two's, private school (and our public school experience), an autism diagnosis, medical school, residency, and long-term mission work in Africa.

Now we're following a new adventure, which involves a 45 foot motorcoach, homeschool, and as many ski slopes as we can go down in one year.

For posts from while we were living in Zimbabwe and updates about our future plans in Zimbabwe, please see our mission blog...


30 August 2010

One Month Old

Sweet Baby Klaas,
You are one month old and you've already changed SO much. I'd like to point out a few of the areas you've grown in...

Yes, you've gained A LOT of weight. When the doctors were worried about you losing so much weight right after you were born, I tried to tell them that I'd have you fattened up in no time. They gave me so much grief for letting you seep 6-8 hours at night because they thought I should be feeding you around the clock to get you to gain weight. I'm proud (and not one bit surprised) to say that we've proven them wrong! You're well over weight for your age. :)

We've been working on getting you on a schedule. This schedule, however, isn't exactly run by the clock. It goes like this: I feed you when you are hungry (usually between every two or three hours), then I keep you awake to play for a while, and then put you to sleep when you are tired. Whenever you wake up again is usually when you're hungry, so I feed you again, and then the cycle repeats itself until night time. At night, I feed you, change your diaper, and put you back in your bed. You're a rock star at putting yourself to sleep, so I never need to rock you or lose sleep trying to get you back to sleep. So far you are doing pretty good with this schedule. The only problem we've had is that sometimes you really would like to use me as a pacifier instead of taking a pacifier. Even though I really don't want another pacifier baby, I also don't want to fall into the same bad habit that I did with Maida when she was a baby and let you use me to pacify yourself.

We've been working on tummy time! You love it for the first 30 seconds and then you get tired or your big brother jumps on top of you. It's been a challenge to find a good time to put you down to play because Skogen is just full of testosterone and loves to wrestle (and hit or punch and bite!) at any chance he can. Sometimes I just feel like all I do all day is protect you from him!

We've been working on getting you to smile! You love to smile in the morning and late at night. Those are your happy times. Even though you don't smile too much in the afternoon (mostly because you like to take a big long nap in the afternoon), I haven't really been able to pinpoint your fussy time. You don't have one! Maybe that's because I hold you ALL THE TIME.

Truthfully, I was really worried when I found out that I was pregnant with you. I had one boy and one girl already, which made me feel well rounded. I was worried about how you were going to fit in. Daddy and I had things under control with two, because we could both take one kid and have it covered. Well, as you have entered into our lives, all worries have gone as I've realized that you make it more perfect than I ever could have imagined! Instead of one-on-one, we now have four-on-one because the rest of us are all working together to take care of you. It's a really cool bonding experience for us and you are getting just a little bit more than spoiled around here! :)

We love you so so much,


  1. I love how your kids get so "chunky". I thought Josiah was a chunky monkey (as I like to call him).

    You, also, sound just like me when Josiah was born. I felt like all I did during the day was make sure Garrison didn't beat Josiah up. I still feel like I have days like that. We just tell Garrison he's just toughening Josiah up and that pay back is coming one day. Garrison loves to hit Josiah in the head with any toy he can find- mostly his cars, running over to him and pushing him flat on his back or laying down on top of him and shoving his face into the floor. Oh boys, they are so much fun!

    I hope you are feeling better (mastitis is the worst) and you and Erik can have a redo weekend.

  2. He is so cute Kara! We will have to come meet him soon...

  3. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I had the same issue with one of my boys wanting to use me as a pacifier and he wouldn't take the pacifiers we had bought. A friend suggested to me that I get the nipple shaped pacis- the ones with the really long rounded nipple as opposed to the ones with the flat side to it. It was a life-saver. It's the only pacifier he will take! Maybe that will help you!


We write to taste life twice, once in the moment and in retrospection.”
~Anais Nin