Welcome to the Scharrer family's real life story! Most of our story is written for, and about, our four kids and the spice they add to our lives. It's our story of happiness, craziness, and sometimes ridiculousness. We've journaled through childbirth, the terrible two's, private school (and our public school experience), an autism diagnosis, medical school, residency, and long-term mission work in Africa.

Now we're following a new adventure, which involves a 45 foot motorcoach, homeschool, and as many ski slopes as we can go down in one year.

For posts from while we were living in Zimbabwe and updates about our future plans in Zimbabwe, please see our mission blog...


27 November 2010

Minnesota Children's Museum

Last week we went to the Minnesota Children's Museum with our good friends, Nikki and Brayden. I had such a great time exploring and playing with the kids! It was fun to see them play with things they had never seen before and watch their wheels turn as the newness inspired creative thoughts and play. Our favorite thing at the museum was the toddler room, a space especially designed for babies and toddlers. The room had four Minnesota habitats: a prairie, cave, pond, and forest. It was great to have so much fun while teaching and learning so many things about our world. Some of our other favorite things were the grocery store, the water room, and the ant farm.

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We write to taste life twice, once in the moment and in retrospection.”
~Anais Nin