Dear Baby Klaasen,
You are eight months old. I can hardly believe it! At times it seems like you were just born and at other times it seems as if you've been with us forever. Just like with Maida and Skogen, I am amazed at watching you develop. You didn't roll over until you were six months old, but ever since, you have sky rocketed through the roof and you are now crawling everywhere. I can't leave you in a room and expect you to be there when I come back! You are constantly on the go. You know your way around the house pretty well, already, and can crawl between all of the bedrooms, living room, dining room, and kitchen. Luckily you haven't tried the stairs, yet, but I'm sure that will be coming.
There is nothing you love more than playing with your brother and sister. They keep you entertained all day long and I'm sure they have taught you everything you know. You love to pull yourself up to standing, and can do so on anything around! I think you like to be up on their level. Whenever I come get you from your bed, now, you are always standing up and you constantly try to stand up in the bathtub, too. You love to hum and dance to music. You say, "Mama," "Dada," and "bye-bye" and you can imitate and copy any sound you hear us making. One night I was yelling, "Erik! Erik!" for Daddy and you copied me by yelling, "Errr! Errr!" too. You are learning your signs very quickly. Right now you are working on, "all done," "milk," and "more". You also are still perfecting your wave and clapping. You know how to hold a pen or crayon to color on paper and how to hold a drum stick to drum. You know how to draw a crowd! I can't take you in public without people asking how old you are and how heavy you are. Everyone likes to touch your rolls. Most people say they have never seen such a cute baby. I don't remember Maida or Skogen getting this much attention, so it must be all the chub that people are crazy about.
Even though you love and adore Daddy more than any other person around, you are also a Momma's boy and don't let me get too far away. You eat solids at least three times a day with your brother and sister and love it when they share their food with you. You nurse every four hours during the day and sleep about seven hours at night before you want to eat and go right back to sleep again. You take at least one three to four hour nap a day and if you're really tired, you'll take a few 45 minute naps, too. You love bath time. You love your bed. You love your room and your toys. You're still a big fan of your Johnny Jumper and exersaucer. You aren't too sure about going to Bible class, though, but have been making it through without crying lately. I love how you grab your toes when I change your diaper, even in the middle of the night when you are completely asleep! You no longer take a pacifier or suck your thumb. You love to drink water from your sippy cup and snack on baby rice cakes, puffs, chunks of fruit, toast, and whatever else you can feed to yourself.
I really wish I would have been better at documenting more of the little details of your life, like I did your sister and brother, but hopefully I have just enough recorded that I'll always remember the things you do, your sweet smile, your addicting laugh, your rolls, the way you smell, and the way it feels to kiss your squishy cheeks. I love you, Klaasen Burke! You are the light of my life and I can't wait to see what you are up to in another eight months from now.
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