Welcome to the Scharrer family's real life story! Most of our story is written for, and about, our four kids and the spice they add to our lives. It's our story of happiness, craziness, and sometimes ridiculousness. We've journaled through childbirth, the terrible two's, private school (and our public school experience), an autism diagnosis, medical school, residency, and long-term mission work in Africa.

Now we're following a new adventure, which involves a 45 foot motorcoach, homeschool, and as many ski slopes as we can go down in one year.

For posts from while we were living in Zimbabwe and updates about our future plans in Zimbabwe, please see our mission blog...


10 April 2011

Robot Number One

Maida has her first dance recital at the end of May. Last week we had recital pictures taken. It was Maida's first time wearing make up and she was SO EXCITED! She loved everything about the make up, including the smell! And I loved everything about her! I couldn't get over how beautiful she looked and took a million pictures of her. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that I would ever have a daughter this beautiful.... the big brown eyes, the mile long eye lashes, the natural bouncy curls, and the smooth fair skin... she's so perfectly cute as a button and I love her so much!

She loved looking in the mirror at herself as I was putting on her make up.

I felt bad for all the moms who had to sit and curl their daughters' hair with curlers or a curling iron. It was pouring down rain on the way there. Most of the other little girls' hair went flat, but Maida's just got more curly!

Posing in make up and the hair piece.
We tried on the costume quick before we went to pictures to make sure that we had all the pieces to it and that it fit alright.
Her class is doing a tap dance to the song "Robot Number One".
This is her robot pose:

Here is her number one:
All ready for pictures!
Waiting in line to get her picture taken.

I love you, beautiful Maida!


  1. She is so beautiful!! What a fun day!

  2. Her hair is gorgeous! What a beautiful, sweet little girl! How fun!


We write to taste life twice, once in the moment and in retrospection.”
~Anais Nin