Welcome to the Scharrer family's real life story! Most of our story is written for, and about, our four kids and the spice they add to our lives. It's our story of happiness, craziness, and sometimes ridiculousness. We've journaled through childbirth, the terrible two's, private school (and our public school experience), an autism diagnosis, medical school, residency, and long-term mission work in Africa.

Now we're following a new adventure, which involves a 45 foot motorcoach, homeschool, and as many ski slopes as we can go down in one year.

For posts from while we were living in Zimbabwe and updates about our future plans in Zimbabwe, please see our mission blog...


26 June 2009

Homeowners, at last!

Part of a conversation that I had with Maida while we were swinging on our front porch swing this afternoon...
Maida: Mommy! Dad is a boy, Skogie is a boy, Barkley! is a boy, me a girl, mommy is.... a Princess.


I'm a princess... and a homeowner! That's right! Everything went very smoothly yesterday and it is official. We have purchased our first home! I really expected to get special feelings about this - maybe like butterflies in my tummy, or some sort of feeling of special accomplishment and pride that would make me jump up and down, hug Erik excessively, and squeal every time I thought about the new house. I haven't felt that - or anything like that - yet. It's really funny because while I was sitting in our new house yesterday, I felt like it had always been ours. It was meant to be, I guess! Here are some pictures of the big day...

Maida the morning of the closing
Maida sat on Erik's lap the entire time and pretended to sign her name on a paper like we all were doing. It was so cute. She behaved very nicely during the closing. We hardly knew she was there!
Erik, Maida, and me with my mom and dad (Skogen was sleeping in the corner)
I had no idea how much paper work went into buying a house. I also had no idea how many times I'd be signing my name at closing!
Us with Linda, our realtor.

Tomorrow we get the moving truck and load it up. (If you would like to stop by and help, we'll be loading from 4:00 on and will have pizzas for everyone for dinner!) We then are driving to the new house and unloading it on Saturday afternoon. I plan to get started on painting right away! I can't wait to do all those fun little things to make the house our own.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! What a blessing!! I'm super excited for you guys! Good luck with the move! I can't wait to see it all put together! Aren't you excited you get to paint?!? Supposedly Glidden paint is giving away free paint from their website. You should check it out for your new place:)


We write to taste life twice, once in the moment and in retrospection.”
~Anais Nin