Welcome to the Scharrer family's real life story! Most of our story is written for, and about, our four kids and the spice they add to our lives. It's our story of happiness, craziness, and sometimes ridiculousness. We've journaled through childbirth, the terrible two's, private school (and our public school experience), an autism diagnosis, medical school, residency, and long-term mission work in Africa.

Now we're following a new adventure, which involves a 45 foot motorcoach, homeschool, and as many ski slopes as we can go down in one year.

For posts from while we were living in Zimbabwe and updates about our future plans in Zimbabwe, please see our mission blog...


03 May 2010


Today is Maida's golden birthday. She is THREE years old! I wrote a letter to Maida, which I attached below, but before you take a look at that, look at this:

Maida has always loved to write and draw. Two years ago, her ECFE teachers told me at age one, Maida could hold and use a pencil at a preschool level. Even though she's had good control of a pencil since an early age, she's never really drawn anything that we can make out. Usually she just scribbles on a paper and then claims that it's a house, a dog, Grandma, her name, or whatever she wants it to be. Last night, however, when Erik and I were doing some computer work on the couch, Maida asked if it would be okay for her to draw a picture for Barkley!. We agreed and provided her with some paper and a pen. To our surprise she actually drew something that looked like what she said it was! We were both floored! We kept asking her to draw more and more and more because we were so surprised that all of a sudden, out of the blue, Maida could draw. I was just so impressed that she would draw something and then come up with descriptions of the pictures that really looked like what she described. I tried to take some pictures of her drawings with my webcam (our regular camera broke!!!). Take a look...

This was her first drawing. It is a monster with silly hair and "laces shoes" with the laces tied together. We have no idea where she got the idea of the laces on the shoes being tied together, but it was sure funny!

Here is her drawing of an Indian trying to go potty and wearing a feather hat...

A monster with a butt, stomach, and underwear...

A baby monster walking to find her mommy.

Daddy monster...

A baby monster yawning...

A furry monster that is mad...

Monster with running shoes on...
To my baby girl on her third birthday...

Dear Maida,

Today is your GOLDEN birthday! You are three years old!!! We aren't celebrating today because we are planning to have a big birthday bash on Saturday when all of your friends can come over. That really confuses you, though, because you aren't convinced that it's your birthday unless there is a party, so you really don't want to admit that you're three today.

You and I have spent the majority of the past three years together. As I look back over these three years of your life, I realize that I really don't have a favorite stage - every stage of yours has been my favorite, simply because I've experienced it with you! Having you has been more special than I ever imagined having a daughter would be like. I love you so much and look forward to many more years with you.

At three years old, you are talking like crazy. You love art projects, dancing, playing dress up, getting your hair done, painting your nails, baby dolls, pretending that you have a baby in your tummy, playing outside, trying to be "tough" like daddy, wrestling with your brother, and sleeping on the bottom bunk because you "can't see monsters coming" from the top bunk. You are interested in the seasons, love going to Bible class, especially love playing with older kids, watching Dinosaur Train, Clifford the Big Red Dog, Caillou, and Mickey Mouse Club. You have been skiing for the past two years and started ice skating this year. This summer you will start ballet and tap (which your Daddy is not happy about because it's too girly for him!). You are so super-de-duper excited for our new baby to get here and don't stop asking to feel the baby kick. You are also convinced that you can hear the baby crying and talking in my belly, but I don't really believe you! You have so many imaginary friends, I can't keep track, however we all know your "husband" who frequently comes around. Your favorite baby doll is "Sadie" and you love to bring her everywhere, but refuse to keep clothes on her. You could possibly stay in the bath for hours on end and love to try to spell words with your bath letters. You can almost spell your name and frequently get "Kara" spelled right. You know what Daddy's name starts with, Uncle Brandon's name starts with, Skogen's name starts with, your names starts with, and my name starts with. You hate getting your hair washed. You still have very sensitive skin. Your hair is curly and I just trimmed it up to your shoulders a few weeks ago. You love to use your hands when you talk and you often use the word, "like," in your sentences. "So weird," "Do you know what," "That's amazin," and "That's not a possibility," are some of your favorite things to say. You call me "Kara" most of the time and although some mothers would be offended, I love it! You also refer to your Daddy as "your husband" when you are talking to me, which is cute and funny! Over the past year, you have been able to understand more than I thought a toddler could. We've gone through deaths and a divorce this year and some how you have been able to take it, process it in your own way, and be okay with it. Most of the time your way of processing it, is playing it out with your pretend friends. Speaking of your pretend friends, I'm so thankful that you have an imagination and don't need me to play with and entertain you constantly.
Most of the time you have a great attitude about things, but sometimes you like to be stubborn, especially if you don't understand why you have to do something. We've had great success in trying to explain everything as best as we can for you and then giving you options, too. Yelling at you, time outs, and spankings rarely ever seem like good options and that's because no matter what, if you don't understand, you won't change. I love it when we can just talk to you about your behavior and not make every issue a power struggle between us. I try very hard to respect your thoughts and feelings more and more each day and give you the time to explain things, if needed, when you are getting scolded. You mostly get in trouble for sassing, but it seems like you get better and better at not sassing every day. You love high heels. You love jewelry and purses. You love Cinderella and other Disney princesses. You insists on wearing a dress everyday and it usually has to have pink on in somewhere. You go to bed around 9:00 or 9:30 and sleep until 8:30 or 9:00. Sometimes you even sleep until 10:00 if you are really tired. You don't normally take naps, but if we go anywhere in the car, you fall asleep immediately. You love to play in your room. You love to paint and draw. You love to help me cook. You're scared of the dark and of monsters. You like to be shy, mostly because you think it's cute, but when we encourage you before we go somewhere different or new, then you come out of your shell. Your favorite part of the day is when your Daddy comes home from work or when you see a Cardinal on our bird feeder while we're eating lunch. Your favorite food is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. You love to suck on lemons and limes and prefer to drink juice or chocolate milk over water. You get to drink pop at potluck dinner at church and sometimes at restaurants, which is really special to you because we normally don't drink pop at home. You don't like it when anyone says the word, "fat," and like to remind us all the time that we shouldn't say that. You love to sing and make up stories. You get to excited for your brother when he does something new. You love to give us hugs, but aren't really fond of kisses anymore, which is totally fine. You love to squeeze your Daddy "too hard" when you hug him and giggle every time. You also love it when your Daddy throws you up in the air. Your favorite place to go is either to Target to get an Icee, to the park, or to Bumpa and Grandma's house. Your favorite thing to do at the park is swing. You can almost count to 20 in English and 10 in Spanish. You still don't really like the vacuum, but have learned to deal with it when I clean. On a normal day, you can either be found in high heels and your underwear, or high heels and a dress, pushing your doll stroller around the house and talking to your imaginary friends.

That about sums up your life at three-years-old. I know this next year will hold many new things for you with a new playground in your backyard, a new baby this summer, and preschool starting in the fall.

I love you, princess, and I am so proud and happy to be your mommy.

1 comment:

We write to taste life twice, once in the moment and in retrospection.”
~Anais Nin