Welcome to the Scharrer family's real life story! Most of our story is written for, and about, our four kids and the spice they add to our lives. It's our story of happiness, craziness, and sometimes ridiculousness. We've journaled through childbirth, the terrible two's, private school (and our public school experience), an autism diagnosis, medical school, residency, and long-term mission work in Africa.

Now we're following a new adventure, which involves a 45 foot motorcoach, homeschool, and as many ski slopes as we can go down in one year.

For posts from while we were living in Zimbabwe and updates about our future plans in Zimbabwe, please see our mission blog...


08 June 2010

A Day with Friends

Conversation after getting home from a friend's house where Maida made quite the scene as we were leaving, hitting me, kicking me, and screaming at me because she didn't want to go home...

Mommy: Maida, I feel so bad and embarrassed that I had to spank you in front of your friends today. I really wish that wouldn't have happened. I hope that you learned your lesson and that next time we are in that same situation, you will remember this and not want to get spanked, so that you will behave a little better because I just feel so bad that I had to do that in front of your friends.
Maida: [Not getting the point of the conversation or the reason why Mommy felt bad at all...] Well, Mommy, if you feel bad about spanking a person, then you can just sit down and say, "I'm so sorry for spanking you and I'll not do it again," and if you really feel bad about spanking a person, you can pick some flowers and put them in a cup of water for them to make them feel better. So, first you can just say sorry to me, if you want to.

Oh wow. I didn't even know where to go with the conversation from there!

Here are some pictures of Maida today with her new favorite friends...
Abby and Emily were so sweet and they all played together so nicely. This was the first playdate I've had where a parent hasn't had to step in and break up a fight or where there hasn't been someone get hurt, or tattling, or anything like that. The girls did such a great job of playing together. Between playing dress up, ballerinas, Barbies, and dolls, they even kept an eye on Skogen for us!

While the kids were playing together, Hannah worked some magic on my hair! She treated me to a highlight and a cut. It felt so good! After I was finished, Skogen had a turn in the chair. Hannah trimmed up his crazy hair and he looks sooooo cute! Even though I loved the craziness of his curls, I thought I should get it cut before my nephew's wedding next weekend. The funniest thing happened, too... the shorter we cut, the curlier it became!

Skogen loved getting his hair cut as much as I loved getting mine cut. In fact, he almost fell asleep sitting there!

Thank you, Hannah, for a great day of talks, laughs, hair cuts, lunch, and a special playtime for the kids, too!


  1. I don't mean to laugh, but that conversation is funny...and I've been there, so I'm glad to know that happens to someone else too! No pic of your new hairdo? My sister said I need to get Trey's hair cut. I love his curls in the back, but the front is getting out of control!

  2. A picture of the new do to come... it actually doesn't look much different because all I did was get it trimmed. The color is a big change, though, because I haven't highlighted my hair since three weeks after Maida was born!

    Hey, maybe if you cut Trey's hair, the same thing will happen as happened to Skogen and more curls will come in the place of the ones that are cut off!

    I'm glad that you could relate to my conversation with Maida! It's always nice to know that I'm not the only one in this boat!

  3. I've sait it before, and i'll say it again. I've never met Maida, but I LOVE her!! She's so smart thinking through and listening to what you were talking about. Look how she went ahead and solved that problem of you being so sad. I'm cracking up, appreciating her wit. And good for you, explaining that her choices affect you too.
    You're going to have your hands full if Skogen is half as smart as Maida...not to mention #3!! What blessings :)


We write to taste life twice, once in the moment and in retrospection.”
~Anais Nin