Welcome to the Scharrer family's real life story! Most of our story is written for, and about, our four kids and the spice they add to our lives. It's our story of happiness, craziness, and sometimes ridiculousness. We've journaled through childbirth, the terrible two's, private school (and our public school experience), an autism diagnosis, medical school, residency, and long-term mission work in Africa.

Now we're following a new adventure, which involves a 45 foot motorcoach, homeschool, and as many ski slopes as we can go down in one year.

For posts from while we were living in Zimbabwe and updates about our future plans in Zimbabwe, please see our mission blog...


24 June 2010

On My Mind...

35 weeks
I am officially 35 weeks pregnant. Saying that there are five weeks left of this pregnancy is bitter-sweet. I love having life inside of me, but at the same time I'm getting to the point in the pregnancy where I am just. so. tired. Getting up in the morning is hard. Staying awake all day is hard. But, ironically, sleeping all night is hard, too. Wishing the baby was here isn't so easy, either, as I'm really not sure that I'm ready for a third one, yet. There is so much that I need to get done first!! I'm hoping that the baby doesn't wait until 40 weeks to come, though, because I'm already growing out of my maternity clothes and have absolutely nothing to wear - except for Erik's scrubs, which make me look like a blimp. Luckily amidst the mixed emotions that I have been having as the end approaches, I have peace about whatever will happen because I am trusting that God has it totally under control and will bring our baby when He knows is best for us.
medical school
In wanting to remember exactly how life has been while going through medical school with Erik, I have tried to write about our trials and triumphs throughout the past three years. I want to be able to look back and remember exactly how it was - the good times and the bad times. As I have tried to accurately document, most of the the past year has been hard... Obstetrics and Gynecology, Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Pediatrics - these were the hard times. However, ever since May, we've been given the easier (at least easier on ME) rotations... Ultrasound in the ED, Emergency Medicine, and Research have been great! It is so nice to have Erik around more and have him help around the house and with the kids. I definitely think that God had a hand in guiding Erik as he planned out his rotation schedule last year because this break has come at the perfect time. Next up on the rotation schedule is Advanced Emergency Medicine and I'm really hoping this rotation will be as nice as the past three, at least nice enough to allow Erik to make it to the birth of our newest addition!
"Oh my God!"
Spending a weekend with people who use this phrase as often and as much as they'd like, my little three-year-old has picked it up. Yesterday I caught her saying it numerous times. I, unlike most people, just can not stand it when someone says this. I tried not to freak out when I heard Maida saying it, but instead tried to explain to her why we shouldn't say it and gave her ideas of things she could say instead. Apparently nothing I said helped because on the way home from church last night, she exclaimed from the back of the car, "Oh my God, Mommy! My shoes are a size seven!" Anyone have any advice on how to kill this phrase before my one-year-old starts saying it, too?
my computer
Last weekend, Skogen sat on my computer screen and broke it. If I go MIA from the blog for a while, that's why! Apparently I have a warranty that will cover the screen, so hopefully my computer will be fixed shortly and I will be able to post more pictures and fun times then.


  1. I know God will not give you more that you can handle, and whenever the baby comes it will be the perfect time, even if it really isn't. :) Our preachers daughter is in the same OMG faze and they can not get to to not say it either, she is almost 3. So good luck with that!!

  2. Oh I'm so glad you're tired too- but glad in the sense that it means I'm not being lazy:) I've napped every day this week, somedays twice. I'm just amazed at how sleepy I am and have been wondering if you were this tired and how someone could possibly take care of 2 little kids like this. You are a trooper!

    I don't know about little kids, but I used to say OMG all the time until a few years ago when I realized what "taking the Lord's name in vain" meant. One thing Jason always says when he hears someone (usually teens) say OMG, is "what are you praying about?" or something to that effect. (Actually, he usually makes a joke about how pious they must be:) Since Maida knows what praying is, maybe she would make the connection?

    It's very encouraging to hear you trusting in God about when the baby will come. I've been anxious (and fearful) about that lately. Hope you get some rest!

  3. Hey Kara! I am glad to know another momma of soon to be three is anxious and exhausted too! I'm sure we will adjust fast and be great at it, but on the hard days with two I think, how on earth will I handle THREE!! On the OMG phrase, Ethan went through a phase of saying "Oh my gosh", which we do not like either and so we told him to say "oh my stars!" He thinks this is more fun to say and now when he hears someone use one of the other phrases he tells them to choose to say 'oh my stars' or go to time-out! :)

  4. Ella, who's four, started saying "Oh my God" or "Oh my gosh", both of which are not allowed in this house, several months ago after hanging out with older kids. We told her to say "Oh my goodness" if she felt like something was so remarkable that she needed to comment. She's had several time-outs for it and it's been long enough that she knows the rules. Now if it slips out, she looks at me, and says, "I'm not supposed to say that, am I, Mommy?" And she's very quick to correct others if she hears them say it. So even though I wish she never said it, I know she realizes it's wrong. Hopefully that will be enough to nip it someday. It just so hard to tell them they shouldn't say it when they're surrounded by others who think that it's okay.

  5. Kara - You look beautiful! Love those maternity pictures!

    Can I just admit here that I have a case of serious pregnant-belly-envy and am entertaining thoughts of a fourth (ahem, and not b/c of the belly-envy:)? Am I crazy?! And how do you know when you're "done"?

    I'm thinking about and praying for you during these last few weeks. God is at work - it is evident ;)


  6. Thank you for all of the ideas on dealing with Maida's new phase and for the encouragement for these last few weeks of the pregnancy!

    Update on Maida: she sort of forgot about the OMG thing until just today. When she said it, she stopped and looked at me and then said, "I tried to say 'oh my goSH,' but then didn't." Then we made up something that was funny to say instead of OMG (which was "oh my silly stars").

    Thanks again! I love getting comments. Makes me feel like someone actually reads our blog!

    (By the way, Beth... go for the fourth! That would be so much fun and crazy, but hard -in a good way!- all at the same time!)


We write to taste life twice, once in the moment and in retrospection.”
~Anais Nin