Nine months seems not so long ago, but when I think about life without you, I really can't remember what it was like. I almost feel like you've been with us forever. Maida loves to talk about the day that you arrived, and how thankful and happy she is that you are apart of our family - your Daddy and I feel the same way as she does. You have brought so much to our lives.
Some of my favorite things about you at 9 months old:
- The way you stick out your tongue and open your eyes really wide when you are taking a bite of something.
- The way you give us hugs - how you put your arms around our necks and hold on so tight!
- Your sloppy open mouth kisses.
- How you like to go to sleep by putting your face on my neck and snuggling in.
- You wear the same size sock as your sister.
- You are a mama's boy.
- The way you aren't afraid to take on your sister.
- How you already look up to your Daddy and get so excited when he gets home from work.
- You are all about action.
- You love being outside.
- You rarely cry (but when you do, everyone knows because you scream LOUD!).
- You've never been sick.
- You're tough.
- You love to explore and you are interested in the world around you.
Some of your favorite things to do at 9 months old:
- You love to push the dining room chairs across the dining room and kitchen.
- You love to help me load the dishwasher.
- You love the bath, dog water, or any type of water you can play and splash in.
- You love to stand up and look out the bay window.
- You love to try to climb, but haven't mastered that yet.
- You love to pound your hands on things and hit anything that will make noise.
- You love balls... you love throwing balls, you love rolling balls, you love saying, "ball."
- You love to suck on your pacifier.
- You love to sleep with your little blue puppy. You usually hold it all night.
- You love to eat, but mostly only if you can feed yourself (finger foods).
- You love Bible school.
- You love to touch and play on Barkley!.
- You love to put your fingers in people's mouths.
- You love to happy scream. Loud.
Things you are doing at 9 months old:
- You can say "mama," "bumpa," "ball," and "hi."
- You can wave bye-bye (only when you want to).
- You can crawl (you've been crawling since 6 months).
- You can pull up on things (you've been pulling up on things since 7 months).
- You can walk across the room pushing anything that will move.
- You can stand up on your own, unassisted in the middle of the room, and can stay standing for up to 20 seconds at a time before giving up and sitting back down.
- You sleep about 7-8 hours at night before you want to eat and get your diaper changed, and then you go right back to sleep.
- You finally eat real food (instead of just breastmilk!) and your favorite things to eat are rice rusks and yogurt melts. You also will only eat something if I mix it with sweet potato or squash baby food.
- You can drink out of a sippy cup by yourself and usually just drink water (unless your sister slips you some of her juice).
- You nurse about every 5-6 hours during the day.
- You take one nap a day, usually for about 2-3 hours.
- You just got your own room and you are still unsure about not sleeping in the same room as your sister.
- When you wake up in the morning, you usually play in your crib until I come in there to get you.
- Your skin has been doing better. You still have flare ups of eczema on your face, but we just don't let anyone with perfume or fabric softener on their clothes to hold you.
- You are wearing size 18 months clothes and sometimes size 24 months.
- You are starting to get curls at the ends of your hair.
- You have NO teeth!!!
You are the best baby we could have ever asked for, Skogen. I appreciate how easy-going you are and how eager you are to learn and see new things. I love being your mommy.
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