Welcome to the Scharrer family's real life story! Most of our story is written for, and about, our four kids and the spice they add to our lives. It's our story of happiness, craziness, and sometimes ridiculousness. We've journaled through childbirth, the terrible two's, private school (and our public school experience), an autism diagnosis, medical school, residency, and long-term mission work in Africa.

Now we're following a new adventure, which involves a 45 foot motorcoach, homeschool, and as many ski slopes as we can go down in one year.

For posts from while we were living in Zimbabwe and updates about our future plans in Zimbabwe, please see our mission blog...


28 January 2010

Babywise - It's My Thing

Skogen is feeding himself breakfast this morning.  For some reason he threw a tantrum when I tried to feed him, so I handed him the spoon and told him to go to town.  He's now COVERED head-to-toe in blueberry oatmeal, but at least he's happy and fed.  :)  I have a feeling a morning bath will be needed soon.

For the past several weeks I have been watching a friend's baby.  Baby N's mom and dad have a very different parenting style than I do (I think every parent does things a bit differently) and I've had to learn and adapt as I go.  Sometimes I feel like such a failure at trying to mother Baby N during the day because I'm so used to how I did things with my two babies.  Other times it has been a positive thing to explore with a different parenting style than my own, and has been a good way to experiment with things that I could maybe implement when I have a third one of my own.

One thing that this experience has taught me is how much of a Babywise parent I am.  I thrive as a mom by having my kids on a schedule.  I didn't start Maida on Babywise until she was three months old, because I really thought that I was more of an attachment/feed on demand mother, however I got burned out really fast on that method.  I started Skogen on Babywise before we even left the hospital and it was such a blessing.  I really feel like the schedule made my babies happier babies and made me in return, a happier mother.

The one thing that I appreciated about the Babywise method is that I always fed my babies every three hours, so they never cried because they were hungry.  They knew that as soon as they woke up, they would eat.  They wouldn't have to cry or whine or kick and scream before I could figure out that they were hungry.  I provided what they needed before they really needed it.  They also never got overly tired because I knew exactly what time they should go to sleep, according to when they ate.  I also knew exactly how long they'd sleep because they would sleep until the next feeding, which I'd already have ready for them before they woke up.  With this method, my babies hardly ever woke up crying, they woke up happy because they knew they were going to get to eat!  Nighttime was a bit different than the daytime on the Babywise schedule because I would never wake them up to eat (like most mothers probably do), I'd just let them go as long as they could and then feed them as soon as they woke up.  Skogen was sleeping 6-7 hours by two weeks old, 9 hours by 9 weeks old, and at least 11-12 hours a night shortly after that.  It was great!  I have to admit that there are some things of the Babywise method that I didn't use, one of those being letting your baby cry it out.  I have never been able to do that!  However, I adapted The Happiest Baby on the Block and The No Cry Sleep Solution together with Babywise to make what we called, "Karawise," which I used in the situations where I couldn't get my babies to go to sleep.

Another thing that I really appreciated about Babywise is that it carries into the toddler years, too.  You save a lot of temper tantrums by knowing what your toddler is going to need before he needs it.  Examples: if I know that Skogen is going to need a nap at 1:00, then I stay home at 1:00 and give him a nap... if we're out at a playdate at 10:00 in the morning and I know that's when Skogen eats a snack, I'll bring a snack instead of letting him have a meltdown first, and then going, "Oh, I guess he wants a sanck, maybe I should have brought one."  I feel that it taught me the ability to anticipate the needs of my children before the needs became out of control.

The only complaints I have about Babywise is that it can get stressful trying to keep your baby on a schedule and it's not always the best method for premature or smaller babies, or babies that may have eating issues.  However, for the bigger babies (like I had!) it is totally worth it.

Anyway, you can read more about Babywise on the internet, or buy the book in any baby store, if you are interested.  It has really been a sleep saver, tear saver, sanity saver for me as a mom and I know that as soon as baby #3 makes his or her arrival, I'll probably be more apt to lean on this method again.  I just hope that baby #3 adapts to it.  I know that every baby is different and responds differently to things, though.  What kinds of methods have other moms used and had success with?  Have any of you had success with Babywise, too?

By the way, 100 people have read the blog between yesterday when I posted and when I posted this post.  I just wanted to remind you all to vote on our baby poll!  I think it's interesting how the boy and girl votes keep tying with each other!


  1. Kara,

    I used Babywise with Quinton and loved it. I wasn't able to use it a lot with Weston for certain reason and I am seeing such a big difference in how they go to sleep especially. It is amazing how much of a schedule I had Quinton on and it was so nice. I second you that babywise is awesome and to adapt it to your life style.

  2. I sure hope Kenan continues on like Skogen. At 9 days old he started doing 6+ hour stretches at night. He seems to get up at 3 and then not again until 7. One night it wasn't until 4 though. I am praying it continues. Everyone keeps telling me it won't. I incorporated babywise with baby whisperer. Actually my favorite book was healthy sleep habits, healthy child. It helped me to learn how long each age needs to be held up inbetween naps. My kids were always very scheduled with their naps but not so much with their feedings. I try to go every 3 but I also do feed on demand.

  3. I love babywise! (well, and the whole series after that too! I've been into the toddlerwise and childwise books lately!)


We write to taste life twice, once in the moment and in retrospection.”
~Anais Nin