Welcome to the Scharrer family's real life story! Most of our story is written for, and about, our four kids and the spice they add to our lives. It's our story of happiness, craziness, and sometimes ridiculousness. We've journaled through childbirth, the terrible two's, private school (and our public school experience), an autism diagnosis, medical school, residency, and long-term mission work in Africa.

Now we're following a new adventure, which involves a 45 foot motorcoach, homeschool, and as many ski slopes as we can go down in one year.

For posts from while we were living in Zimbabwe and updates about our future plans in Zimbabwe, please see our mission blog...


01 January 2009

Pregnancy Update (and a bit of complaining!)

A few weeks ago we had our last ultrasound to determine if Skogen was still breech. Prayers were answered and it was then that we found out that he has flipped and is not head down. We also found out that he was about six pounds and eleven ounces (give or take a pound) and has a lot of hair! Since the ultrasound, I have been busily preparing for a natural delivery, ruling out a repeat c-section all together since his positioning was right on. However, in the last week I have developed some sort of pregnancy induced carpal tunnel syndrome, which seems to really be affecting my pregnancy and the decisions that lie ahead.

Natural birth, for many different reasons has been my number one priority this pregnancy. After my c-section with Maida, I was determined to never have to go through that again. I have researched repeat c-sections and I know specifically why they are more risky than VBACs (vaginal birth after c-section). I know that a VBAC would be not only healthier for me, but for Skogen as well. As I flip through the statistics, while also examining my own personal dreams of having a natural birth, I can’t ignore the pain of the carpal tunnel syndrome and I’m second guessing my decision for a natural childbirth.

The pain is so great in my hands, especially at night, that I feel like if I just call up and schedule a c-section for next week, I will know for sure that I only have a few more days to endure the pain (supposedly, the carpal tunnel syndrome goes away after you give birth). At this point, we have no idea when Skogen could come. It could be today, or it could be in four or five weeks! I just don’t know how long I can stand this pain. It’s the kind of pain that makes me crazy. Not only is there pain, but there is tingling and numbness, making it very difficult to do anything around the house, even simple things like brush my teeth or feed myself breakfast. It’s the kind of pain that I can’t get away from. I can’t pop a pain killer and expect it to go away. I’ve tried everything from hot packs, cold packs, dangling my arms while I sleep, propping my arms up while I sleep, sitting up while sleeping, bracing my wrists, massage, cold baths, warm baths, to increasing fluid intake… nothing takes this pain away. It is also the type of pain I can’t sleep through. I’ve been getting about three hours of sleep a night for the past five days, and that’s three hours of waking up every half hour to shift positions and try to get my hands comfortable again. This pain is also affecting all the “nesting” that I want to get done. I have this deep need for everything to be perfect when Skogen comes. I have a strong desire to clean and organize like crazy until he arrives, but with my hands this way, I can’t do any of it. I’m really wondering where I should go from here.

Have any of you had this carpal tunnel syndrome while you were pregnant? What did you do for it? Did it effect your birth (for example, I can’t imagine pushing a baby out on my hands and knees if my wrists are this sore)? For those of you who have chose to have repeat c-sections (for whatever reason) or had to have a repeat c-section (no choice), was it easier than the first? Did you get to hold and snuggle and breastfeed your baby in recovery? Do any of you have any tricks on how to get the baby to drop and labor to start naturally? With Maida I walked a whole lot and ate pineapple, which I have always thought started my labor -Ha! I would be totally comfortable waiting until Skogen’s due date, or after, for him to come, but it’s just this darn carpal tunnel that is killing me! I can’t imagine being in this much pain for two, three, four more weeks. I see our doctor next week again and so until then I look forward to any advice (or encouragement!) that any of you have. I’ll continue to take one day at a time and we’ll see what happens…


  1. Hey Kara- You are so fortunate not to have it start until now. I get it about two months into my pregnancy and have it the whole time. It is miserable. I literally had to sleep sitting up in a chair with my arms draped over the sides- even though I would like you wake up every several hours having to shake my hands and reposition. That is one of the reasons why I hate being pregnant. It is really painful. I didn't think it had anything to do with my labor though. Once the labor pains start all other pains take a back seat. I don't even remember them hurting while in labor. With Abby the carpo tunnel went away immediatly but so did 30lbs. With Emily it lasted awhile longer but not nearly as severe. It was much more livable. While pregnant with Emmy I couldn't do Abby's hair or brush her teeth- anything that required me making a tight fist. It is unreal how painful it is. Have you tried sleeping upright? That was my best bet for sleep. Even then it wasn't great but better than lying down. I also wore arm braces all the time. They helped some.
    I'm sorry Kara- I wish there was something more you can do for it but it really is just a miserable thing. Once you have him you will feel better!

  2. Kara,
    I am so sorry to hear that you are so miserable! I will be praying for you. It is hard to have comfort in these times, but just know that God has his plan for your little boy, and your delivery of him. Give it over to God, it may be your only relief! I was horribly worked up and stressed out the day before both my girls came, and I finally handed it to God...they magically came the next day (most likely because it was God's timing, and not my whining he couldn't take anymore :)
    We love you and will be praying for your relief and for a blessed delivery of Skogen!

  3. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Yeah, I got it with Luke. Since I work in IT, they figured it would continue on after the pregnancy forever. However, it only lasted about a month and a half (although somehow I now have ulnar nerve damage, go figure). But it still hurt really badly. I took codeine so I could sleep with the pain before the delivery, then I actually took my percocet after the C-section to help with it - even though the pain wasn't too bad after the first couple of days.

    It made nursing really hard. But we had other nursing problems, so it's hard to gauge how much was the carpal.

    Talk to your doctor about tylenol with codeine. They said it wasn't bad in pregnancy, and one pill gave me about 5 or 6 hrs of sleep.

    As far as repeat C's - yes, it was WAY easier than the first. And this time, I got to hold the baby while they were still working on me for a couple of minutes, then about half an hour after I got out I got him for good. I probably had 45 minutes away from him in total. The second C was A LOT faster. I would totally suggest a repeat C- except you seem to really have your heart set on a VBAC.

  4. Anonymous8:17 PM

    I reread my comment, and realized it was unclear. Lack of sleep or something.

    The pain lasted a month and a half after delivery.

    It was worse than the C-section pain. After the C-section pain was over, i still took drugs for the carpal.

  5. After I went back and re-read what I wrote, I felt kinda dumb... I didn't want this to turn out as a pity party for Kara! However, I am super glad that I did express my thoughts because I have gotten some great comments and some really encouraging emails. I've realized that two weeks of pain is not that long to suffer; and that my dreams of a VBAC will only be accomplished if I make it through this too, making the accomplishment seem even bigger in the end(thanks Allison for pointing that out!). For now I am going to keep enduring it and keep pressing on. Today I tried not to mention the pain or complain about it once to Erik (or anyone else) and it's amazing how much of a difference even that made! Thanks for the prayers and the thoughts! I am so excited to write you all and let you know that Skogen is here, but until then, I'm gonna "be tough," as Erik tells Maida to do when she gets hurt. Thanks again! I'm so blessed to have all of you - even those of you who annonymously commented that I don't know! :)

  6. Hey Kara- I had carpal tunnel with both girls- Natti while I was about 3 months pregnant and Kora at about 6 months. I agree with Hannah- I didnt even notice it while in labor... It sucks though in the mean time. I wore braces on my wrists and that helped some, but other than that it is just kind of a wait it out type of deal :( You're almost there Kara!!!


We write to taste life twice, once in the moment and in retrospection.”
~Anais Nin